Living high

An episode from the series TRIBES OF THE HIMALAYAS

Format: HD
Duration: 52’
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Available versions: French | English
Rights: All Rights | Worldwide
Director: Eric Bacos


Matho is a monastery which is not part of the regular sightseeing tours of Ladakh. Yet, perched at 3,700m, it nestles a unique treasure of tangkas (linen paintings) and bronze statuettes.

The monks have asked Nelly Rieuf, a young French woman versed in Himalayan arts, to restore these masterpieces and build a museum. After two years of hard work in harsh conditions, Nelly has succeeded in gathering a team of experts assisted by young village women she has trained in her craft while trying to raise funds to complete this enormous task.

In the meantime, life goes on at the monastery which is focused on the preparation of a yearly colorful festival symbolic of the intense religious fervor of the people of Ladakh.