Exceptional destinies

An episode from the series SECRETS OF HISTORY - PORTRAITS

Format: HD
Duration: 110’
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Available version: French
Rights: All Rights | Worldwide except France


Giacomo Casanova had romances with over a hundred women, and his libertine adventures have remained famous. But behind this image of a heartbreaker is a man of many talents and an exceptional destiny.

Born in Venice in 1725 to humble parents, a frail and sickly child, Casanova became the most flamboyant adventurer of the Age of Enlightenment. He escaped from a Venice prison, invented the lottery in Paris, was a duellist in Warsaw, an abbot, spy, violinist, magician, and charlatan. Casanova lived a thousand lives, making his existence a novel with numerous twists and turns.

Traveling throughout Europe, he managed to get into the most prestigious courts, from Versailles to St. Petersburg.