The memorable characters of History
An episode from the series DESTINIES
Format: HD
Duration: 52’
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Available versions: French | English
Rights: All Rights | Worldwide except France
Marie Antoinette ascended the French throne at the side of Louis XVI when she was just 18 years old.
During her reign, she gradually became one of the most hated personalities in the kingdom due to her frivolity, spending, and her favorites' greed. Accused of every evil, she was isolated, placed under house arrest, and then thrown in prison. She dragged down her circle of close friends, many of whom remained loyal to her. Marie Antoinette was sentenced to death for high treason and executed on October 16, 1793. She was 38 years old at the time.
From the splendor of Versailles to the bloody steps of the guillotine, discover the tragic fate of a cursed queen and her confidants.