Surviving changing times

Format: HD
Duration: 6x52’
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Available version: English
Rights: All Rights | India & Asia except China


At the start of the 20th century, there were more than fifty royal families across the globe; now, that number has more than halved.

This series brings to life the story of the rise, fall, and survival of royal families across the globe. It shows how royals have changed with the times to survive. After World War One, Germany’s and Russia’s monarchies lost their thrones. Then, in desperation, some royal leaders embrace fascism to preserve their privileges. After World War Two, monarchies tried to hide their treacherous wartime pasts.

Significant social changes in the 1960s and 70s forced royal families to change their identity or risk losing their thrones. In the 1980s, they faced a new threat: the rise of an intrusive tabloid press. Then, a new generation of royals had to present themselves as “normal people” to hang onto their crowns.
